Many people in the world are losing their hair or have thinning hair. In fact, 1 in 5 Americans are estimated to suffer from hair loss in some form, with many of those who suffer being men. If you have suffered from hair loss, you might experience embarrassment with thinness or patches without hair, and this can even lead to a decrease in social activity and wanting to see others. Many people will turn to different drugs or over-the-counter remedies to try to help regrow their hair, and these products often do not work or have other side effects. However, many doctors are trying a different form of treatment for hair loss that can help trigger your body’s natural ability to grow hair. This is known as platelet-rich plasma therapy or PRP.
What Is PRP Therapy?
This type of therapy is a form of medical treatment that is usually done in a process of three steps. These are:
· Drawing the patient’s blood
· Processing the blood, and
· Injecting the blood into the afflicted area
So, why are doctors looking to PRP therapy as a form of treatment for hair loss? By using your own blood supply, many doctors believe that PRP injections can help encourage your hair’s natural ability to grow with an increase in its blood supply. With the increase in blood flow to the follicle of the hair, the hair shaft can thicken and strengthen.
What Are the Steps For PRP Therapy?
As noted earlier, PRP therapy is typically a three-step process.
Step 1. Drawing the Patient’s blood. A doctor will draw blood—usually from an area on your arm—and place that blood into a centrifuge. Once the doctor turns on the centrifuge, it rapidly spins so that the fluids in your blood can separate based on their densities.
Step 2. Processing the Blood. Once your blood has separated, it will be in 3 different layers. These layers are:
· Your red blood cells
· Your platelet-rich plasma, and
· Your platelet-poor plasma
Step 3. Injecting the Blood Into the Afflicted Area. Once your blood has separated into these three layers, your doctor will take the platelet-rich plasma and fill it into a syringe. This is then injected into specific areas of your scalp where you have thinning hair or are losing hair.
How Will My Doctor Assess If I Am a Good Candidate For PRP Therapy?
Your doctor will most likely hold an initial consultation to determine if you are a good candidate for PRP therapy. There are a few reasons your doctor might reject you for PRP therapy.
Lifestyle Reasons. If you smoke heavily, have any history of abusing alcohol or drugs, or are on blood thinners, you might not be a good candidate.
Medical Reasons. Depending on your health, you might also not be a good candidate. If you have cancer, chronic liver or skin disease, sepsis, thyroid disease, or a metabolic disorder, you could be rejected.
What Are My Next Steps?
If you are interested in whether or not PRP therapy is right for you, or if you have any questions regarding PRP therapy, call a doctor who specializes in hair transplants, like Dr. Robin Unger, today. We would be happy to set up an initial consultation with you!